What does God look like? by Jesus of Nazareth

rembrandtheadofchrist2I am Jesus Christ of Nazareth the actual aspect of the soul of 2000 years ago. I have been talking though Gregory with Shelina writing down many things of my past and I gave them The Jesus Opal to show proof of it. It is an amazing stone as these two have gone out and they teach love and peace and oneness with your God Source. For back then I taught that everyone is part of God and that everyone was born with the hands of God and a soul so why wouldn’t we all be part of God. #1 We cannot look like him in his physical image what egotistical pride or naive delusions of any people of this world to think that we look like God as a physical being. Who would he look like? Would he look like a great movie star? Would he look like a woman? And what egotistical pride to say that God has to be a man instead of a combination of masculine and feminine just like each human is. God has the ability to be anything he (she) (it) wants to be.

God is an energy that you can pray to that is the same energy throughout the whole galaxy and you are not alone in the galaxy for there is much proof there. Many nations like France, Russia, Mexico, Chile and others have opened up their ufo files. Gregory himself was given the ability to direct some Paleidian ships in front of a group of people late at night by channeling them about 12 years ago. That is a story itself. The ancients say that God has made many species. Why would he settle for humans as being the only designed intelligent creatures and there is a great variety of animals and plants and even one celled creatures even on Earth that don’t need oxygen and can live in high temperatures. This is a question that none of us will ever know the true answer as God changes just as we change. It is the way that all things are in the galaxy. With love and blessings- Jesus of Nazareth channeling through Gregory and Shelina