Mary Mother of Jesus Speaks of Children

Mary Mother of Jesus channels through Gregory Thomas (of Gregory & Shelina)

new-baby-clipart-5-tnSons when they are a certain age don’t always listen to their mothers. A lot of times when Jesus was out there I was afraid for him when he was out preaching when he was a young man but then he had such a devout conviction for being a son of God and sharing that everyone is the sons and daughters of God that with his guides and angels I felt he was continually protected all the time and that he knew that he had to take risks in order to get the people.

It took the burden off me a little bit that he married Mary, also called Mary Magdalene, that was such a wonderful kind daughter and he was very lucky that she had the adventure in her like him.  For the two in a way were perfectly matched like you two Gregory and Shelina.  The best male and female you can be, understand.

Even Joseph and I got into little disagreements but you look at each other and pray and say at night at supper and thank God for the day and for each other and your lives together.  For in reality everything else is not as important as your family and the one you love.  That’s why you raise your children the best you can.  And sometimes I thought Jesus raised me for he was continually teaching me everything he learnt and I would be in total awe of him.

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